The Run For Green 18: Joakim, Gordon and the incredibly annoying Chicago Bulls

Maybe it’s just because its the first round of the NBA Playoffs and that the Chicago Bulls are giving up more of a fight than I expected, but I am more than annoyed with the bunch from the Windy City, now down 3-2 in their series with the Boston Celtics.

Much like the Atlanta Hawks of a year ago that were in this same spot, the Bulls are brash, arrogant and irritating, but for all the wrong reasons. While it’s fun to watch a young team come together after years of being horrendous, this is not one of those cases thanks to four guys in particular.

Joakim Noah: Quite possibly the most visually enraging player in the NBA today, I’ve run out of tolerance for the fluffy-haired center/forward. Before this series, I was content with Noah being a dorky-looking player that was always attempting to translate his college success to the pros.

But during Game 2 in Boston, he kept putting his finger to his
mouth in the ‘shhh’ motion every time he or
his teammates made a big shot. Really? This is where we’re at in today’s NBA…especially when a game isn’t over yet? It’s not college anymore, Joakim. This is a man’s league with guys that will put you out if you try that in their house.

If I was to compare Noah to a Hawk of ’08, it would be Zaza Pachulia, who decided to keep pushing the buttons of Kevin Garnett for the majority of the series the C’s won in seven games. But after this classic hit in that Game 7, Zaza learned that is never, ever a good idea. Boy, do I wish #5 was in this series to show Noah where he could put that finger.

Ben Gordon: I really, really want to like Ben Gordon but there’s part of me that just can’t because of his act in Game 4. Gordon – a stud in this series who is
battling Rajon Rondo for biggest breakout star of the playoffs so far –
hit a game-tying 3-pointer to send the game into a 2nd OT.

Yes, it was a
great shot but Gordon turned around and decided to grab his crotch
several times in a show of…uhh…manliness? Bravado? A reminder for men to check for testicular cancer? Not surprisingly, ESPN/ABC decided to cut that part
out when showing the replays.

For a guy that had come so far in such a short period of time, it took this one action for him to just evaporate into the abyss of classless jerk rather than a money player in my eyes. I don’t need choir boys, but c’mon man. What’s the point? In all, this was very Mike Bibby-esque of Gordon, who decided to go the media to complain about Celtics fans being ‘bandwagon jumpers’ during last season’s Celtics/Hawks series. How did that work out for you, Mike?

Brad Miller:
The newest entry into this playoff feud got his comeuppance Tuesday night in a brad miller.jpgclassic case of cosmic karma. In the fourth quarter of a close Game 5, Miller got tangled up with Ray Allen, helping Allen get a 6th foul, disabling the Celtics even further. But it was Miller’s laughing afterward that raised the ire of C’s color man Tommy Heinsohn, a somewhat unsportsmanlike reaction in what has turned out to be an awesome series.

Miller then amazingly had his chance to tie the game at the end of OT when he got a clear path to the basket with seconds left and was fouled by Rondo. I said to my roommate that karma is a b*tch and Miller then proceeded to miss the first shot, grimacing and acting like he had been smacked in the dome with a steeeeeeeeeeeeel chair. The Celtics won and Miller went from villain to sad sack in minutes.

Aaron Gray: Who is Gray? He is a very tall white bench fixture for the Bulls, a rookie who joined Noah in the afore-mentioned ‘shh’ bit but has yet to field a second of play in this series. Guys like this annoy me, talking smack from the outer ring when the fight doesn’t directly involve them. Clap, cheer and pump up your teammates but it’s a bit ridiculous when a bench guy thinks he has the license to taunt. Play some minutes and then do something, Aaron.

So why does this team suddenly irritate me so much? I think mostly it’s because they seem to think they are entitled to the same treatment and respect as the defending World Champs. This is a team that has been subpar for a long time, yet are acting like they are the favorites – incredibly ballsy considering they are a No. 7 seed that self-imploded a season ago and are only in this series because of a missed free throw by Paul Pierce in Game 1 and the absence of Garnett.

Bravado and confidence is one thing. Unwarranted attitude, gestures and entitlement are another. On Thursday, the Celtics go back into enemy territory for Game in what should be a wild and emotional affair between two clubs who find themselves evenly matched and the focus of NBA fans right now.

Let’s hope the final taunt on the Celtics’ behalf is the final score.

Josh Nason is the publisher and main writer for New England sports and media blog Small White You can reach him at josh [at] smallwhiteball [dot-com].

11 responses to “The Run For Green 18: Joakim, Gordon and the incredibly annoying Chicago Bulls

  1. kevin garnett doesn’t even have the heart at all to put out Joakim Noah or anyone else on a team like Chicago, because he would find out what happens in a totally outspoken town like the windy city for talkin junk or taunting people, just like that idiotic loser terrell owens found out in the damn good old BIG D what happens when you celebrate on the star logo of those damn good old DALLAS COWBOYS.Noah will put his finger in a shh motion in front of the entire Boston bench, forget kevin garnett, if there is a 7th game.And a team like Chicago should be a totally arrogant team for having a 6-NBA title winning history and tallying off 72 wins, this is a team trying to return to glory.Noah would beat down garnett and break that fool in half.GO BULLS.

  2. Bull4ever please tell me this is a joke? Kevin Garnett has more intensity in his left nut than the entire Bulls team. This team is a joke and its a classic example of the Celtics playing down to their opponent. Its a disgrace that you would pollute Garnetts name by following it up with Noah. You are tragic, you’re an embarrassment to all Bulls fans and all sports fans across the globe. In case you forgot the Celtics won more championships in a decade than your whole teams history.

  3. Bull4ever you must also be a Yankee fan…can root when the team is winning and then try and play off Noah as an amazing athlete just like ny did when arod slapped the ball out of arroyos hand. or maybe you are a cubs fan….we dont have to go there its only been what 101 years since their last title? every team in chicago is a joke and so are you you fucking queea…any player that can taunt on a team that is the lower seed is a total joke…..look at any team in BOSTON…we dont taunt we jt beat the living piss out of al you pussies…..ill take Milan Lucic, Kevin Garnett and Jason Bay….that threesome will destroy anyne in any sport….so just go practice your golf game bitch

  4. No it’s a total disgrace to even talk about garnett in a bad way, if you ask me, and speaking of having more NBA titles, try winning that many NBA titles straight this day and age, because it was so much easier to win titles back then, not to mention Bill Russell never even played against towering 6-feet tall ballplayers.Joakim Noah would beat down garnett and break that fool in half, because we Bulls and Celtics fans both know kevin garnett is so soft he does’nt even have the heart to look Noah in the eye. NUFF SAID, THANK YOU.

  5. Yo aj every ny team has always been a total joke, speaking of stupid loser ny teams and I’m a Braves fan not a yankee fan you moron.

  6. o so you should know what it is like having experience with teams that were once good and now absolutely blow….fucking idiot

  7. “kevin garnett is so soft”
    Ya know, I was willing to hear out your side of the story as a Bulls fan… there’s always two sides to the story.
    But calling Garnett soft = instant dismissal of any points you are trying to make.

  8. I think Marbury could take Noah. Maybe even Mike Gorman

  9. Hey AJ,of course I have had total experience with teams like the Bulls and the Braves because fans of these 2 teams have always been totally loyal fans,thank you very much and fans like me love the Bulls and the Braves whether we totally beat down our opponents or whether our opponents totally beat us down.Oh yeah I forgot, being a true fan of a certain sports team is not at all even important in your sad and totally idiotic world, it’s love your team when it’s totally winning, start backstabbing and totally abuse your team when it’s totally getting thumped.

  10. Paul (Chicago)

    You know, the thing that is incredibly annoying about the million Celtics bloggers out there is their attitudes about the Bulls.
    The Bulls are a low seed team, who honestly had no expectation to make the playoffs, let alone give the defending world champs this much trouble.
    Rose, the rookie point guard is turning the ball over at a very high rate and missing clutch free throws. Vinnie Del Negro sometimes gives games away with bad substitutions and using up time outs instead of letting his team play through rough spots.
    The Celtics however, still have two of their big three on the court (including the self-proclaimed best player in the world) and they just can’t capitalize on all of the Bulls rookie errors! Not even on their home court. Paul Pierce is a chump…what happens when they put the ball in his hands at the end of the game? A guy with a pulled groin blocks his shot. Noah steals the ball from him, out-hustles him down the floor and hits the game winner.
    That’s just pathetic.

  11. This is a much younger and a much quicker Chicago team totally outhustling an older and a slower defensive Boston team.You are a year older after winning an NBA title and less hungrier, you are so much hungrier,when you are totally a young team like Chicago.Talk about experience vs inexperience and this is also what this series can be referred to.

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