Tag Archives: Celtics Mascot

Boston Sports Wrap: Varitek deadline looming, Pierce named All-Star, Celtics fire mascot

Anyone else sick of this Jason Varitek story yet? I know I am.
The latest has the Red Sox captain and agent Scott Boras shackled with an 8:30 am Friday deadline to accept the team’s latest offer, reportedly a two-year deal.
Then again, the deadline could be at the end of the business day…or perhaps by lunch depending on where you read your news. My gut instinct is that this won’t be resolved Friday, keeping those that still care about the Red Sox catching situation going slowly insane.
Boston hasn’t publicly said this is a take it or leave it deadline, which means they could come back to the negotiating table next week or even a month from now. You see, that is the problem with this whole process. Both sides obviously want to do business with each other, but won’t compromise enough to just end this already. Because of that, the situation goes on…and on…and on. There is no market for Varitek that is worth him uprooting his life further. Boston has a chance to go back to the postseason again and could use the studious Varitek – low offensive output be damned.
I could go on about stats or what he means to the ballclub or any myriad of additional information about Varitek and why he should/shouldn’t be a member of the Red Sox in ’09 and beyond. But I won’t as that would just be adding more words to a situation that needs just one more phrase attached: sign him or don’t. Just make some sort of definitive action already…please.
In one of the more well-balanced All-Star rosters in quite a while in terms of representation, the Boston Celtics’ Paul Pierce was announced as a reserve Thursday.
Pierce leads the defending NBA Champions with 18.8 ppg to go with 3.8 assists per game and 5.7 rebounds per game. As of this writing, the green have the most wins in the NBA with 38 and the second-best record in the league by percentage points behind Cleveland.
Pierce joins All-Star starter Kevin Garnett as one of only two Eastern Conference teams with multiple selections with other being Orlando (Dwight Howard, Rashard Lewis and Jameer Nelson).
By comparison, the Western Conference has four teams with two players each (Lakers, Hornets, Suns, Spurs).
The All-Star game will be played in Phoenix on Sunday, February 15th.
Even champions have to make tough decisions and the Celtics apparently made one today, deciding to fire their long-time mascot Lucky (aka Damon Lee Blust). Why would they get rid of a short Irish-looking fellow who could 360 dunk off a trampoline? From the Boston Herald:

“Sources claim that Damon, a fixture in the stands as well as the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Southie and many charitable events, had “issues” with management. But other Garden snitches say the mascot missed many scheduled benefit appearances and was “unreliable.” D’oh!
There’s nothing else to say.
Josh Nason – josh [at] smallwhiteball [com] – is the publisher and main writer of Small White Ball, an all-encompassing New England-based sports blog that began in 2007. You can also read on mixed martial arts, boxing and pro wrestling at brother site RopesRingandCage.com. If you’re using any part of this post, please link back to http://www.smallwhiteball.com. Thank you!
