Tag Archives: rules

SWB Reflux: How To Fix The Home Run Derby

A year ago following the ridiculousness of Justin Morneau winning the Home Run Derby when the only person anyone remembers is Josh Hamilton, Small White Ball had enough and decided to present our ways to fix the Home Run Derby.

Sadly, none of our changes have made the cut but we’ll press on every year until something changes. Yes, we realize we’re complaining about a exhibition, but there’s a reason people watch, a reason there are major sponsors attached and a reason why ESPN airs the show in primetime.

It’s important enough that given all of that, people should care about the rules and how to improve them.

So take a few minutes out of your day and click here for our July 2008 post, “The SWB Proposal For Fixing The Home Run Derby.”

Josh Nason is the main writer and publisher of Small White Ball, a New England-based sports and media blog on the MVN Network. He can be reached at josh [at] smallwhiteball [dot-com].